Home Fire Safety Checklist
Have you ...
Made sure your house or apartment number is readable from the street.?
Taken care that candles are in sturdy holders and put out of reach of kids and pets?
Installed smoke detectors on each level of your home and in each bedroom?
Tested each smoke detector in the past month?
Installed fire extinguishers in the kitchen and garage?
Identified two clear escape routes from each room in your home?
Made sure every family member knows these escape routes?
Purchased fire escape ladders for each bedroom?
Made sure that electrical outlets have no more than one heat-producing appliance plugged into them?
Stored matches and lighters out of the reach of children?
Kept all flammable materials at least three feet away from heat sources?
Made sure outdoor barbecue grills are kept away from your home, tree, shrubs and other combustibles?
Stored flammable liquids in their original containers and away from heat, sparks or flames?
Had boilers, furnaces and chimneys professionally inspected in the past year?