Belonging, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The St. Albans City Council has appointed a Belonging, Equity and Inclusion (BEI) Committee to help foster a sense of belonging among our citizens.  As one of the City’s volunteer boards, the BEI will seek to understand the experience of historically marginalized groups and the manner in which our implicit bias can impact the delivery of City services, programs and events.

Link to a description of the BEI Cmte.

Recently the BEI Cmte. adopted a list of Values & Goals.


Committee Membership and Term-Lengths:

Moira Jamieson-Brooks,    December 31, 2025

Carl Watkins, Co-Chair      December 31, 2025

Preston Fuller                   December 31, 2027

Melyssa Bailey                   December 31, 2025

Vikki La Rose                     December 31, 2026

OPEN SEAT                        December 31, 2026

Anais Olshan                      December 31, 2026


The Belonging, Equity & Inclusion Committee will meet the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted.

Please Note:  Meeting dates, agendas and minutes are now located in the City Calendar.

Remote connection information:
Call-in Number: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 823 6956 6804
Passcode: 791099
Special meetings may also be called.  Those interested in meetings and boards are advised to follow the St. Albans City Facebook Page, join the St. Albans City Front Porch Forum, or look for public postings in City Hall. 

Resource Materials and Archived Minutes: