Hazard Mitigation Plan
A Hazard Mitigation Plan is required by the State of Vermont and FEMA before a community can access certain funds and resources for mitigation projects and after disasters. It is a good exercise in being aware of the potential unfortunate events that could occur in the City and prioritizing project to lessen the damage when disasters do occur. With the assistance of Northwest Regional Planning Commission, the City adopted a plan in 2017, and FEMA approved it.
Unlike the emergency management or operations plans that are used in the event of a disaster, Hazard Mitigation Plans focus on what we could do BEFORE a disaster. The list of projects that we finalize in this plan could lead to funding for important community projects and would also help us comply with other community planning requirements handed down by the State.
The plan can be viewed at the link below.
Chip Sawyer
Director of Planning & Development
802-524-1500 x259