City Hall Front Entrance Temporarily Closing
Effective Tuesday Jan. 19th, the front entrance of City Hall will be temporarily closed in order to complete the first floor renovations at City Hall. During this period you may access City Hall services and staff through the rear entrance of City Hall, which will be handicap accessible with an elevator as well as stairs. To access the back entrance you may walk down the alleyway between Traveled Cup and City Hall and enter through the glass door in the new west tower; or you may walk down Hudson St., which will be closed to vehicular traffic from Main St. You may also drive east on Hudson St. from Federal St., parking in the rear lot behind City Hall and entering through the glass door in the new west tower. There will be signage posted directing you to the rear entrance as well.
Please contact Martin Manahan with any questions you may have at 524-1500 Ext. 260 or email at We apologize for any inconvenience.