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Public Safety Forum

Update: You will also be able to view the livestream of this forum on Youtube, thanks to Northwest Access TV. If that link doesn't work, try the main NWATV Youtube channel.
The City will host a Public Safety Forum on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 6:00 – 8 :00 pm in City Hall.
The forum will focus on the increasing amount of theft and shoplifting in the City and improvements to the law enforcement and prosecution process.
There will be a panel discussion moderated by Emerson Lynn and featuring:
Mayor Tim Smith
Representative Mike McCarthy
State’s Attorney Bram Kranichfeld
Police Chief Maurice Lamothe
Crisis Intervention Specialist Samantha Weber
Hon. Judge Gregory Rainville (retired)
After the panel, members of the public will be invited to share their experiences and ask questions of the panelists.
Topics Covered:
- Recent legislative changes
- The prosecution process
- Crisis intervention strategies
- What local leaders are hearing
Why Attend?
Voice your concerns and ask questions.
Learn about initiatives to keep our community safe.
Discover ways to get involved and make a difference.
Network with local officials, law enforcement and community members.
Your voice matters! Together, we can build a safer community.
For additional information, contact:
Dominic Cloud, City Manager
(802) 309-1775