UPDATE: Lake Street Closure on June 11 and 12
The City plans to close the top of Lake Street at the intersection with Main Street on Tuesday June 11 and Wednesday June 12 (previously announced for Monday and Tuesday) for work associated with the City of St. Albans’ Downtown Streetscape Project. The work will install an electrical conduit across the road.
As with the last closure of Lake Street, the City, construction contractor Weston Excavating, and construction engineers at Ruggiano Engineering have designed a plan for signage and detours that will limit the inconvenience of this closure during the work. Traffic north and south on Main Street will not be affected. Local traffic will be allowed up Lake Street from the intersection with Federal and Catherine Streets, but all other traffic is requested to avoid the upper block of Lake Street.
Contact: Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning & Development, City of St. Albans, c.sawyer@stalbansvt.com, 802-524-1500 x259