On Election Day on Nov. 5, there will be a City ballot with two bond articles. Most voters will actually receive this ballot in the mail from the State of Vermont in September.
The first City bond article is for $500,000 to construct stormwater treatment improvements, specifically a new gravel wetland on Lemnah Drive. The City’s stormwater permit from the State requires the construction of treatment projects to reduce storm flows and phosphorous from our stormwater system. This bond would go toward that requirement. The anticipated debt service from this bond item is already included in current stormwater utility fees.
The second City bond article is for $750,000 for a new vacuum truck. The vacuum truck is an essential piece of equipment for repairing issues with the City’s water, wastewater and stormwater systems. The truck can clean out areas and excavate holes to access areas that need repair. The City’s current vacuum truck at the end of its useful life. The new vacuum truck will operate more efficiently and will help to reduce the response time for future utility repairs. The City will also seek other funding sources to reduce the debt needed to purchase the new truck. The anticipated debt service from this bond item is already included in current water, wastewater and stormwater utility fees.
To review, the anticipated debt service for both of these bond items is already budgeted within current utility fees and would not be paid with property taxes.
For more information, please contact Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning & Development,, (802) 524-1500 ext. 259.
PLEASE VOTE at City Hall on November 5 or by using the mail-in ballots sent to you by the State. Thank you.