Notice to Taxpayers

As of June 20th, 2018, the Listers of the City of St. Albans have completed the abstract – a list of persons, co-partnerships, associations and corporations owning taxable property in the City of St. Albans on the first day of April, 2018. This abstract has been lodged in the City Clerk’s office for inspection of the taxpayers. Letters have been sent to property owners who will see changes in the listed value their property.

On July 17th at 9:00 AM – 1:00  PM and 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM and on July 18th at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, the listers will meet at City Hall, 100 North Main Street to hear grievances of these appraisals or to receive written objections. All grievances and objections will be reviewed by the listers, corrections will be made where necessary, the contents of the abstract will be updated and for the year 2019 will become the Grand List of the City of St. Albans.

Should you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a grievance hearing during one of the above listed times, please contact Dave Southwick at (802) 524-1500 ext *262.