David Southwick appointed as Property Services Administrator

The City of St. Albans is pleased to announce that David Southwick, the City’s existing Planning & Permitting Administrator, has been appointed to a new position as Property Services Administrator. In this new position, Southwick will add the City’s assessing and property valuation functions to his existing permitting, E911, and other duties.

This change was made in recognition of Southwick’s existing work and the City’s needs to provide assessing and other property-related services in City Hall. Earlier this year, Denise White retired from the position of City Assessor.  Now Southwick will be the primary contact at the City for assessing issues.

“This change allows us to utilize Dave’s existing strengths in customer service and process management,” says Chip Sawyer, the City’s Director of Planning & Development. “Since he was hired, Dave has been attracted to the possibilities of better coordinating the City’s property-based services, and he has been familiarizing himself with assessing duties.”

Says Southwick: “I appreciate the direction the City is taking by consolidating services. Our goal is to be responsive to the needs of property owners as they navigate the various aspects of City Hall.  I am very thankful for the opportunity to add my experience to this new venture.”

Assessing and permitting functions will continue to be housed in the same office in St. Albans City Hall.  Southwick's contact information is d.southwick@stalbansvt.com and 802-524-1500 *262.
