City Looking for Candidates for Historic Preservation Commission

Here is a NEW OPPORTUNITY to get involved!

The City’s first Historic Preservation Commission

As you may know, the City of St. Albans contains a wealth of historic buildings and sites – they are a major part of what makes our community special.  At the same time, the City’s inventories of historic places are now more than 30 years old.  We are creating a Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to play a critical role in preserving our City’s knowledge of its historic resources.

The Historic Preservation Commission will be a board of volunteers that meets quarterly and otherwise as needed.  The responsibilities of the HPC will include:

  • Guiding the City toward achievement of Certified Local Government status with the National Park Service and the VT Division for Historic Preservation, thus making us eligible for funding and assistance with historic preservation activities. 
  • Updating and maintaining the City’s surveys and inventories of historic properties. 
  • Preparing reports and providing advice whenever a property is nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. 
  • Guiding the preparation and submission of grant applications to the VT Division for Historic Preservation. 
  • Advising and assisting the City Council, Planning Commission, and other appropriate persons on matters related to historic preservation. 

If you have always been interested in our City’s historic resources, then this is your chance to get involved.  Apply to be a founding member of the City’s Historic Preservation Commission!

The members of the HPC will be appointed by the St. Albans City Council.  First, we’ll start by taking applications from everyone interested. Please fill out the application form and contact Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning & Development, 802-524-1500 *259,

Please apply by December 1, 2019.

Official website of the City of Saint Albans, Vermont | (802) 524-1500 |