Halloween in the City

Every year about this time, the City gets questions about Halloween trick-or-treating. There is no specific City ordinance about Halloween. For decades, little ghouls and goblins have wandered City neighborhoods on October 31, no matter what day of the week it is, and happy City residents have given out candy and other treats! There is no set time for when trick-or-treating can begin. We only ask that everyone be safe and patient as our community is taken over by the creatures of the night! And we also ask that trick-or-treaters respect houses with their lights off: that they may not wish to hand out candy that evening.

That being said, there are some other special activities happening during the day on Saturday the 29th. Spooky Saturday will have some fun events Downtown starting at 9am, and the Downtown trick-or-treating will be Noon to 2pm that day. Also the Nightmare at City Hall will take place Noon to 3pm on the 29th.

Enjoy the Halloween season!

Official website of the City of Saint Albans, Vermont | (802) 524-1500 |