Proposed Changes to City Land Development Regulations


The St. Albans City Council will hold a public hearing and second reading to consider proposed revisions to the St. Albans City Land Use Development Regulations and solicit public input. The primary purpose of the revisions is to create a new Medical Institution Zoning District. After the hearing, the Council might vote on whether or not to adopt the revisions.

Click here to view the proposed revisions (large pdf file)

The proposed revisions include:

Section 301 Districts Established: Add the Medical Institution (MI) District to the list of districts.

Section 303 Intent of Districts: Add the description and intent of the MI District.

Section 304 Permitted and Conditional Uses: List permitted and conditional uses in the MI District with a focus on hospital, medical and other related uses. Remove the Public Facilities use from the Low Density Residential District. Remove the Clinic and Medical Facility uses from the Low Density Residential District. Existing uses of these types would be allowed to continue as legal nonconformities.

Section 306 Dimensional Requirements: Include the MI District and institute appropriate standards.

Section 307 Additional Provisions: Include the MI District in reference to site planning, off street parking, etc.

Section 412 Non-Conforming Uses and Structures: Include the MI District in reference to specific non-conformity standards.

Section 515 Off-Street Parking and Loading: Include the MI District in reference to parking standards and requirements. Address certain parking in the proposed MI District in front of principal buildings. Clarify City-wide standard for parking on the side of principal buildings. Clarify the review process for shared off-site parking or parking that is located on a property that straddles the City-Town political boundary.

Section 516 Landscaping, Buffering, Setbacks and Grading: Include buffering requirements specific to the MI District and to other situations where non-residential uses and districts border residential uses/districts.

Section 517 Signs: Include the MI District in reference to signage standards.

Article 10 Zoning and Design Review District Boundaries: Add boundary descriptions for MI District and make related alterations to Low Density Residential District boundaries. Make other technical corrections associated with past district amendments.

Official Zoning Map: Add MI District

Purpose: The purpose of these proposed revisions is to create a land use district that more appropriately reflects the current uses and character and future needs of the Northwestern Medical Center parcels at the northeast end of Fairfield Street and remove the need to include hospital/medical uses in residential districts. Provisions are also proposed to guide the effects of MI District uses on surrounding residential districts and the eastern gateway to the City. Other changes are made to the Low Density Residential District to prevent any new medical uses. Other City-wide amendments are proposed to clarify the review standards for parking on the side of principal buildings and the process for shared off-site parking or parking that is located on a property that straddles the City-Town political boundary. Some technical corrections are proposed to make district boundary descriptions more accurate.

Geographic Areas Affected: The Northwestern Medical Center parcels at the northeast end of Fairfield Street. Some clarifications to Public Facilities, Clinic and Medical Facility uses will affect the Low Density Residential district. Clarifications to parking on the side of principal structures and to shared parking situations will apply City-wide.

These proposed revisions may be viewed at the St. Albans City Clerk’s Office, St. Albans City Hall, 100 North Main Street or at If special accommodations are required, please contact Chip Sawyer at 802-524-1500 x259 or