9-1-1: Making It Easy for First Responders
The 9-1-1 system was designed to provide a universal, easy-to-remember number for people to reach police, fire or emergency medical assistance from any phone in any location. Today, people communicate in ways that the designers of the original 911 system could not have envisioned; wireless phones, text and video messages, social media, Internet Protocol (IP)-enabled devices, and more. To make this system work you, as a homeowner, have two responsibilities. First, make sure your phone is added to the 9-1-1 system. In some cases, the phone company has already registered your phone but if you only have a mobile phone or use a cable service (ie. Comcast) for your phone – it is your responsibility to ask your provider to add your phone. Second, make sure that your house number can be seen easily and clearly from the street. High contrasting numbers that are at least 4 inches tall, placed about eye level right next to the front door make it easy for first responders to find your house the first time. The City is tasked with making sure addresses match the 9-1-1 system. If you have a question about your 9-1-1 listing or if you have an address change, call (802) 524-1500 ext *262. We can help.