Community Meeting on Vermont Community Development Program

Hosted by the City of St. Albans

Thursday, December 18, 2014

4:00 – 6:00 pm

City Council Chamber, 100 North Main St.


The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is preparing to develop a new five-year consolidated plan for 2015-2020. Each year the state receives approximately $10 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that is distributed through three grant programs: The Vermont Community Development Program, the Emergency Solutions Grant Program and the HOME Program.

We want to hear from members of the general public about the needs and interests in areas related to housing, downtown improvements, health and childcare, jobs, food security as well as any remaining needs related to Tropical Storm Irene.

Who should attend? Business owners, childcare providers, residents of public housing, senior citizens, public service providers, local housing developers, housing advocates, local food banks, small business lenders, downtown organizations and members of the general public.

Please also consider taking THIS ONLINE SURVEY.

We would like to thank our Regional Partners:

Champlain Housing Trust

Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation

Northwest Regional Planning Commission

Franklin County Regional Chamber of Commerce

Franklin Grand Isle Community Action

For more information about this meeting please contact Chip Sawyer at the City of St. Albans 524-1500 (ext 259), or Arthur Hamlin, DHCD 828-3749.