Example of photos and context on historic building in district.
Special Meeting on St. Albans Historic District
The St. Albans City Historic Preservation Commission will hold a special meeting for a presentation on the project underway to update the nomination for the St. Albans Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places. The meeting will take place on April 5 at 6pm at City Hall and via Zoom. Meeting info at http://www.stalbansvt.com/hpc.
The nomination will be an inventory of all of the properties in the St. Albans Historic District, which is located in the center of Downtown. As part of this update, more information and photos will be added for the historic buildings in the district. Changes to the Historic District boundaries will also be proposed. Public comment is welcome.
Chip Sawyer
Director of Planning & Development
City of St. Albans
(802) 752-2156