It’s 2:00 am and you are suddenly awaken by the smoke detector. You can smell smoke, and your children are asleep in their rooms down the hall. Do you know what to do next? Every family should have, and practice routinely, a home fire escape plan. A well designed, and well practiced, fire escape plan gives your family members a distinct advantage in escaping your home safely in the event of a fire. Creating a fire escape plan is simple. All family members should be included in the process, and it only requires a few minutes of practice each month.
Plan your escape
- Draw a floor plan of your home
- Draw two ways out of each room
- Discuss escape routes with family
- Mark a meeting place outside where family members can gather safely
Be prepared
- Everyone should know the sound of the smoke detector
- Everyone should know how to operate all windows and doors
- Keep stairs and exits free from clutter
- Practice fire escape drills at least twice a year
- Ensure that the smoke detectors will awaken everyone
- Make drills realistic – pretend that escape paths are blocked by smoke or fire