Parks & Recreation Commission
The Parks & Recreation Commission may perform the following duties as they pertain to Taylor Park, Houghton Park and the Barlow Community Center Park:
- Review all parks improvement projects and forward any comments to the City Council for approval.
- Prepare planning documents that reflect the community’s vision for its parks and forward to City Council for approval.
- Facilitate public input on park improvements.
- Develop rules and regulations for City Parks and forward to City Council for approval.
The Parks & Rec Commission shall receive staff support from the City Manager’s designee and shall function as a public body under Vermont’s Open Meeting Law.
Regular meeting schedule:
3rd Tuesday of each month
Barlow Street Community Center
6:00 pm
Please Note: Meeting dates, agendas and minutes are now located in the City Calendar.
Special meetings may also be called. Those interested in meetings and boards are advised to follow the St. Albans City Facebook Page, join the St. Albans City Front Porch Forum, or look for public postings in City Hall.
The following is a list of current Parks & Rec Commission members:
- Joanne McGinn, term expiring 3/14/25
- Stina Booth, term expiring 3/14/25
- Morrell Bunbury, term expiring 12/31/24
- Jenn Desorgher, term expiring 12/31/24
- Peggy Manahan, term expiring 10/6/23
- Shawn McElwain, term expiring 10/6/23
- Matt Allen, term expiring 10/6/22
- Mike Zemianek, term expiring 10/6/22
- Paul Snyder, term expiring 11/17/22
Archived Agendas and Minutes: