Image for a stormwater workshop on March 23, 2023.

Stormwater Utility and Programs

The City has begun increasing stormwater management planning and outreach activities in order to do our part for water quality in the region and comply with State/EPA permit conditions.

One of the first steps in this process was the creation of the Franklin County Stormwater partnership for community education and outreach.  This is a partnership between the City and Town of St. Albans and Northwest Regional Planning Commission.

The most significant local step thus far has been the creation of the City's stormwater program and utility on July 1, 2018, as adopted by the St. Albans City Council.  Click here for a brief explanation of the utility for rate-payers.

Every property owner's stormwater fees will go toward our community's stormwater system and new treatment practices.  However, if you have been assessed more than one ERU, and you already have documented stormwater treatment on your property, please read our Fee Credit Manual and Fee Credit Application.

Click here for the City's Stormwater Management Plan and annual reports.

For information on statewide efforts, check out the VT DEC Clean Water Initiative program.


Chip Sawyer
Director of Planning & Development

802-524-1500 Ext. 259

PO Box 867
100 No. Main St.
St. Albans, VT 05478


Documents, Plans and Resources: